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Support us with your donation so that we can establish the House for All in Höchst!

Your donations will support turn the corner e.V., Project Shelter, Kollektiv Freiräume statt Glaspaläste and ada_kantine, who are working together to establish Haus für Alle. The Haus für Alle in Höchst is home to 40 previously homeless residents. But the house is even more: a community and meeting place and free space for political and cultural initiatives. A place where we organize together for housing for all!

The donations will be used to finance, for example, the furnishing of common rooms and kitchens, sleeping facilities, monthly passes, hygiene articles and social counseling. You can easily donate via Paypal, credit card, direct debit, etc. and even give your donation away and deduct it from your taxes. With your help we can fight against homelessness, displacement and racism and for housing for all and a more solidary Frankfurt!

Since turn the corner e.V. is a non-profit organization, you can deduct your donations from your taxes. After your donation, we offer you the possibility to request a donation receipt and to provide your contact details.